;Cal. Egyptian-Kemetic-days ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days-p.gif COMMENT=Updated November 24, 2012 \nEgyptian Kemetic calendar see: Cal. Egyptian-Kemetic ;21.7. =season 1 Akhet, time of the Nile flood (Egyptian Kemetic calendar, 120d) ;21.7. =1 Thoth #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=1st month, 30d, 1st month season 1 Akhet, time of the Nile flood 21.7. =Egyptian New Year ;Note=1 Thoth 21.7. =Opet Festival ;Note=Celebrating the marriage of Goddess Isis & Godd Osiris, 1 Thoth {d} 27.7. =Hatshepsut's Day ;Note=7 Thoth {d} 06.8. =Festival of Thoth ;Note=Month of Ghosts (Thoth), 17 Thoth {d} 07.8. =Adonis, Breaking of the Nile to honor Hathor ;Note=18 Thoth {d} 12.8. =Lycgnapsia, Festival of the Lights of Isis ;Note=23 Thoth {d} ;20.8. =1 Paopi/Paophi #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=2nd month, 30d, 2nd month season 1 Akhet, time of the Nile flood 24.8. =Feast of God Osiris ;Note=Partner & true love of Isis & father of Horus, 5 Paopi/Paophi {d} 27.8. =Feast of the Nativity of Isis ;Note=Partner & true love of Osiris & mother of Horus, 8 Paopi/Paophi {d} 28.8. =Birthday of Nephthys ;Note=Goddess of Death, 9 Paopi/Paophi {d} 29.8. =Nativity of Hathor ;Note=10 Paopi/Paophi {d} 29.8. =Ancient Egyptian New Year ;Note=1 Thoth {d} 29.8. =1st day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi {d} 30.8. =2nd day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 31.8. =3rd day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 01.9. =4th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 02.9. =5th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 03.9. =6th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 04.9. =7th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 05.9. =8th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 06.9. =9th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 07.9. =10th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 08.9. =11th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 09.9. =12th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 10.9. =13th day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 11.9. =14th & last day Return of Goddess Isis (star of Sept/Sirius) & God Osiris (rising Nile River) ;Note=10>23 Paopi/Paophi 03.9. =Feast of Osiris ;Note=15 Paopi/Paophi {d} 11.9. =Day of Queens, Hatsheput, Nefertiti & Cleopatra ;Note=23 Paopi/Paophi {d} 13.9. =Lighting the Fire Ceremony for all departed souls ;Note=25 Paopi/Paophi {d} 16.9. =Festival for Ra, Wasir & Heru ;Note=28 Paopi/Paophi {d} ;19.9. =1 Hathyr/Hat-hor #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=3rd month, 30d, 3rd month season 1 Akhet, time of the Nile flood 19.9. =Feast of Thoth ;Note=scribe God of both Wisdom & the Magickal Arts, 1 Hathyr/Hat-hor {d} ;20.9. =Thoth ;Note=God of learning, wisdom & magick, 2 Hathyr/Hat-hor 21.9. =Feast of Life for the Threefold Goddess ;Note=mother (reatix of all things), daughter (renewer), dark mother (the absolute), 3 Hathyr/Hat-hor {d} 21.9. =Athenas birth ;Note=3 Hathyr/Hat-hor 24.9. =Death & Rebirth of God Osiris ;Note=6 Hathyr/Hat-hor 27.9. =Osiris ;Note=9 Hathyr/Hat-hor, day of going forth to His main temple at Abydos {d} 27.9. =Feast day of the Nile neter Hapi ;Note=9 Hathyr/Hat-hor, the river crested each year & feast of purification of the hearts of the gods {d} 09.10. =1st day Feast of Divine Wisdom, Source of all knowledge ;Note=honoring Truth/Maat, 21>23 Hathyr/Hat-hor 10.10. =2nd day Feast of Divine Wisdom, Source of all knowledge ;Note=honoring Truth/Maat, 21>23 Hathyr/Hat-hor 11.10. =3rd & last day Feast of Divine Wisdom, Source of all knowledge ;Note=honoring Truth/Maat, 21>23 Hathyr/Hat-hor 15.10. =Feast of the Three Noble Ladies ;Note=27 Hathyr/Hat-hor {d} ;19.10. =1 Choiakh/Khoiak #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=4th month, 30d, 4th month season 1 Akhet, time of the Nile flood 26.10. =Hathor ;Note=8 Choiakh/Khoiak 28.10. =1st day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak {d} 29.10. =2nd day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak 30.10. =3rd day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak 31.10. =4th day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak 01.11. =5th day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak 02.11. =6th day Isia, festival recalling Set ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak 03.11. =7th & last day Isia, festival recalling Set, Final day of Isis ;Note=10>16 Choiakh/Khoiak {d} 07.11. =1st day Feast of Divine Justice, Source of just law ;Note=honoring Goddess-God as Maat-Thoth, 20>22 Choiakh/Khoiak 08.11. =2nd day Feast of Divine Justice, Source of just law ;Note=honoring Goddess-God as Maat-Thoth, 20>22 Choiakh/Khoiak 09.11. =3rd & last day Feast of Divine Justice, Source of just law ;Note=honoring Goddess-God as Maat-Thoth, 20>22 Choiakh/Khoiak ;18.11. =season 2 Peret, sowing time (Egyptian Kemetic calendar, 120d) ;18.11. =1 Tybi #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=5th month, 30d, 1st month season 2 Peret, sowing time 20.11. =Day of Sekhmet & the Purifying Flame ;Note=Sekhmet, daughter of Ra, represented destructive power of the sun, 3 Tybi {d} 21.11. =Feast of Hathor ;Note={d} 24.11. =Feast of the Burning Lamps ;Note=All Egyptian Goddesses of Light & Birth, 7 Tybi {d} 29.11. =Feast of Hathor, Sekhmet, Lioness & Sun Goddess ;Note=alternate of Bast, the Cat Goddess, 12 Tybi {d} 08.12. =Festival of Neith ;Note=Ancient Egyptian Earth-Goddess of the Delta, 21 Tybi {d} ;18.12. =1 Mechir/Mekhir #-4238 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=6th month, 30d, 2nd month season 2 Peret, sowing time 21.12. =Osiris' return to Isis in Egypt ;Note=4 Mechir/Mekhir 21.12. =1st day Festival of Isis, giving birth to God Horus ;Note=Magna Mater (Mother of God & Mother of All), 4>8 Mechir/Mekhir 22.12. =2nd day Festival of Isis, giving birth to God Horus ;Note=Magna Mater (Mother of God & Mother of All), 4>8 Mechir/Mekhir 23.12. =3rd day Festival of Isis, giving birth to God Horus ;Note=Magna Mater (Mother of God & Mother of All), 4>8 Mechir/Mekhir 24.12. =4th day Festival of Isis, giving birth to God Horus ;Note=Magna Mater (Mother of God & Mother of All), 4>8 Mechir/Mekhir 25.12. =5th & last day Festival of Isis, giving birth to God Horus ;Note=Magna Mater (Mother of God & Mother of All), 4>8 Mechir/Mekhir 23.12. =Day of Hathor, Night of the Lamps or final entombment of Osiris ;Note=6 Mechir/Mekhir 31.12. =Lucky Day of Sekhmet ;Note=Sekhmet, the ravaging lioness, 14 Mechir/Mekhir 02.1. =Sacred day of Isis ;Note=Goddess of love, 16 Mechir/Mekhir {d} 05.1. =Feast of Amen ;Note=19 Mechir/Mekhir 06.1. =Feast of Ptah ;Note=20 Mechir/Mekhir 06.1. =birth of Osiris ;Note=sun god, 20 Mechir/Mekhir {d} 07.1. =Sacred day of Sekhmet ;Note=Goddess who sustained the spirits of the Dead, Ancient Egyptian New Year's Day, 21 Mechir/Mekhir {d} ;17.1. =1 Phamenoth #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=7th month, 30d, 3rd month season 2 Peret, sowing time 22.1. =Day of Making Way for Khnum ;Note=6 Phamenoth {d} 23.1. =Sacred Day of Hathor ;Note=Mother Goddess & Goddess of the underworld, 7 Phamenoth {d} 25.1. =1st day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth {d} 26.1. =2nd day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth 27.1. =3rd day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth 28.1. =4th day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth 29.1. =5th day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth 30.1. =6th & last day Feast of creating & destroying God-Goddess Amen-Amenet ;Note=9>14 Phamenoth 01.2. =Feast & Birthday of Nuut ;Note=16 Phamenoth 06.2. =Feast of Isis ;Note=Healer Goddess, 21 Phamenoth {d} ;16.2. =1 Pharmuthi #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=8th month, 30d, 4th month season 2 Peret, sowing time 17.2. =Feast of Shesmu ;Note=God of the wine press, 2 Pharmuthi {d} 18.2. =festival of Neteret Bastet ;Note=Cat Goddess, 3 Pharmuthi {d} ;21.2. =Festival of Nin ;Note=6 Pharmuthi 21.2. =Day of Nut ;Note=daughter of Shu & Tefnut, Goddess of the heavens & sky, 6 Pharmuthi {d} 25.2. =Day of Mut ;Note=10 Pharmuthi {d} 26.2. =Day of Nuit ;Note=Goddess of Healing & Fertility, 11 Pharmuthi ;in real dates mentioned in Note: first is leap-year date & second is non-leap-year date 16.2.+18Dy =Feast of Ra ;Note=19 Pharmuthi (03/04.3.) 16.2.+19Dy =Navigium Isis, Blessing of the Vessel by Isis ;Note=20 Pharmuthi (04/05.3.) {d} 16.2.+28Dy =Sacred Day of Goddess Uazit, the Lady of the Night ;Note=Serpent-Goddess, 29 Pharmuthi (13/14.3.) ;16.2.+30Dy =season 3 Shemu, time of harvest (Egyptian Kemetic calendar, 125/126d) ;16.2.+30Dy =1 Pachon/Pakhons #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=9th month, 30d, 1st month season 3 Shemu, time of harvest 16.2.+35Dy =Spring Harvest Festival ;Note=6 Pachon/Pakhons (20/21.3.) {d} 16.2.+47Dy =Hathor's Day ;Note=18 Pachon/Pakhons (01/02.4.) {d} 16.2.+47Dy =Festival of Thoth & Ma'at ;Note=3rd festival honors union of Thoth (God of letters & learning) & Ma'at (Goddess of truth), 18 Pachon/Pakhons (01/02.4.) {d} 16.2.+48Dy =Festival of Min ;Note=19 Pachon/Pakhons (02/03.4.) {d} ;16.2.+60Dy =1 Payni/Pauni #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=10th month, 30d, 2nd month season 3 Shemu, time of harvest 16.2.+60Dy =Festival of Ba'ast, Feast of Bast* ;Note=cat goddess, 1 Payni/Pauni {d-04-15} 16.2.+75Dy =1st day Feast of Sacred Marriage ;Note=Honoring Isis & Osiris, (16>18 Payni/Pauni) 16.2.+76Dy =2nd day Feast of Sacred Marriage ;Note=Honoring Isis & Osiris, (16>18 Payni/Pauni) 16.2.+77Dy =3rd & last day Feast of Sacred Marriage ;Note=Honoring Isis & Osiris, (16>18 Payni/Pauni) 16.2.+81Dy =Shepherd's Day ;Note=Day to meditate on Deity as Lord of Animals, Osiris, 22 Payni/Pauni (05/06.5.) 16.2.+89Dy =Isis Day ;Note=30 Payni/Pauni (13/14.5.) 16.2.+89Dy =1st day Feast of Divine Love & Compassion, Source of healing & beneficence ;Note=honoring Goddess Isis, 30 Payni/Pauni>2 Epiphi ;16.2.+90Dy =1 Epiphi #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=11th month, 30d, 3rd month season 3 Shemu, time of harvest {d-05-15} 16.2.+90Dy =2nd day Feast of Divine Love & Compassion, Source of healing & beneficence ;Note=honoring Goddess Isis, 30 Payni/Pauni>2 Epiphi 16.2.+91Dy =3rd & last day Feast of Divine Love & Compassion, Source of healing & beneficence ;Note=honoring Goddess Isis, 30 Payni/Pauni>2 Epiphi 16.2.+96Dy =Day of Tefnut ;Note=7 Epiphi (20/21.5.) 16.2.+104Dy =Festival of Neteru Amen & Hapi ;Note=God of transcendent powers & God of the Nile River, 15 Epiphi (28/29.5.) {d} 16.2.+107Dy =Ma'at & Ra go forth in secret ;Note=18 Epiphi (31.5./01.6.) {d} ;16.2.+120Dy =1 Mesore #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=12th month, 30d, 4th month season 3 Shemu, time of harvest 16.2.+122Dy =Night of the Teardrop ;Note=in honor of Isis & the loss of her brother & husband, the God Osiris, murdered by his brother, Set, 3 Mesore (15/16.6.) {d} 16.2.+126Dy =Festival of Edfu ;Note=7 Mesore (19/20.6.) 16.2.+130Dy =Sais-temple of Isis, Burning of the Lamps ;Note=11 Mesore (23/24.6.) {d} 16.2.+135Dy =Petosiris' Day ;Note=16 Mesore (28/29.6.) 16.2.+139Dy =Sothis ;Note=20 Mesore (02/03.7.) 16.2.+141Dy =Sacred day of Maat ;Note=Goddess Of Wisdom & Inner Truth, 22 Mesore (04/05.7.) {d} 16.2.+149Dy =Birth of Osiris, annually resurrected by Isis ;Note=God of Divine Youth, 30 Mesore (12/13.7.) {d} ;16.2.+150Dy =1 Epagomena #-4237 (Egyptian Kemetic calendar) ;Note=13th month, additional days, 5/6d, season 3 Shemu, time of harvest 16.2.+150Dy =Birth of Osiris ;Note=1 Epagomena (13/14.7.) 16.2.+151Dy =Birth of Horus ;Note=2 Epagomena (14/15.7.) ;16.2.+151Dy =Birth of Set ;Note=God of Darkness & the Magical Arts, 2 Epagomena (14/15.7.) 16.2.+152Dy =Birth of Set ;Note=3 Epagomena (15/16.7.) 16.2.+153Dy =Birth of Isis ;Note=4 Epagomena (16/17.7.) {d-07.16} 16.2.+154Dy =Birth of Nepthys ;Note=Goddess of Death, 5 Epagomena (17/18.7.) ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;On http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ you find a library of additional files for PTBSync ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.moonsweb.com/month_cailleach.shtml ;http://www.gnostics.com/calendar.html ;http://www.angelfire.com/or/sirbeef/holidays.html ;http://www.mesacc.edu/dept/d10/asb/ancient_religion/pages/feast_days.html ;http://www.whiterosesgarden.com/book_of_shadows/other_books/egyptian_magick/maps_misc/egyptian_holidays.htm